Americans carrying larger student-loan debt are more likely to be better educated, have higher-paying jobs and own homes, according to a report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Students who drop out or attend school briefly have lower debt but are more likely to default, the report says.
People with a criminal record make motivated employees, and hiring them fosters a safer community, says Virgin Group founder Richard Branson. Virgin Trains recruits workers from prisons and rehabilitation programs.
Employers in the US are increasingly taking such steps as adding prayer rooms and organizing alcohol-free parties to help ensure that Muslims feel welcome in the workplace. Muslims are expected to become the second-biggest non-Christian religious group in the US by 2035.
A study to be presented at the Academy of Management's annual meeting finds adverse effects on employee well-being, work-life balance and job performance when employees are expected to handle work-related email during nonwork hours. The study finds it is not the effort made or time spent in responding to email that does the damage, but the expectations of employers that lead to an "always on" culture that can prevent people from fully disengaging from work.
Several high-school career and technical education programs are partnering with employers and community colleges to shape the local workforce. In the Tucson, Ariz., school district, industry partners helped to launch a CTE program where more than 240 students can learn precision manufacturing, engineering sciences and mechanical drafting and design.
Employees who feel they don't have enough time, support or resources are more likely to make mistakes, write Kelly Monahan, Mark Cotteleer and Jen Fisher of Deloitte Services. To combat this, leaders must allow people to build in periods of downtime so they can recharge their batteries and ultimately improve their performance.