
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

February 28, 2024

White House urges developers to dump C and C++

Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by Compugen Systems Inc.: Your Successful M&A Hinges On This…

Sponsored by Compugen Systems Inc.: Your Successful M&A Hinges On This…

What's considered the #1 success factor in a Merger + Acquisition? Technology integration. Ironically, this is also where most of the mistakes are made. Ensure a smooth transition with Compugen Systems' M+A-in-a-Box advisory service. We can help you maximize IT assets and minimize user disruption.

Amazon Bedrock: A solid generative AI foundation

Amazon Bedrock smooths the path to building generative AI apps with prompt engineering and RAG, providing a good assortment of text, chat, and image-based foundation models.

How data governance must evolve for generative AI

Generative AI introduces new risks, challenges, and opportunities for how organizations source and use data. Here are four ways data governance teams are rising to the occasion.

Image: JDK 22: The new features in Java 22

JDK 22: The new features in Java 22

Now available in a final release candidate, Java 22 includes previews of scoped values, structured concurrency, stream gatherers, and the ability to execute multi-file programs.

The most popular neural network styles and how they work

Learn about the most prominent types of modern neural networks such as feedforward, recurrent, convolutional, and transformer networks, and their use cases in modern AI.

Is creating an in-house LLM right for your organization?

Five key questions you should ask before embarking on the journey to create your own in-house large language model.

3 dynamic use cases for Apache Flink and stream processing

We live in a world in motion. Stream processing allows us to record events in the real world so that we can take action or make predictions that will drive better business outcomes.

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