TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 16, 2018

A Paranoid America Is Greatly Exaggerating Russian Power

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

One sign of Russia’s weakness is its deepened alliance with China.  READ MORE»

Want to See Gun Control Enacted? Help Arm Black Folks En Masse

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The gun control bills will get signed so fast your head will spin.  READ MORE»

Does Jared Kushner's Massive Debt Make Him a Threat to National Security?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

The Kushner family owes hundreds of millions on botched real estate ventures, while he travels the world for Trump. READ MORE»

GOP Takes Another Ruthless Step to Control Federal Courts

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The most egregious partisan intervention since Mitch McConnell blocked Obama’s final Supreme Court nominee. READ MORE»

The Hidden Costs of America's Wars

By Stephanie Savell, TomDispatch

We're losing money, lives, and our sense of morality.  READ MORE»

Memo to DHS: The Lone White Wolf Network Is the Biggest Terror Threat to Americans

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

It's time to talk about mass shooters as the shock troops of Republican extremism. READ MORE»

Mueller Reportedly Convinced a Top Trump Campaign Aide to Cooperate with Investigation

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

He could turn over damning evidence on others from the campaign. READ MORE»

True Love, Not Tough Love: How Mothers of Addicts Are Helping to End the Drug War

By Gretchen Burns Bergman, AlterNet

Stop using failed drug war tactics to address what is essentially a public health epidemic. READ MORE»

Trump Has Really Stepped Into It Now, As Stormy Daniels Payoff Likely Crosses Legal Lines

By David Cay Johnston, DC Report

The $130,000 hush money paid to the porn actress opens up legal and tax issues for him, his lawyer and her. READ MORE»

Lessons About Our Roller-Coaster Stockmarket, from a Highly Unlikely Source

By Dante Dallavalle, AlterNet

We've seen this before.  READ MORE»

Florida Dem Catches Republicans Planning to Discuss Weakening Background Checks Day After School Shooting

By David Edwards, Raw Story

“Cowards bought and paid for by the National Rifle Association.” READ MORE»

Marco Rubio's Ridiculous Screed Against Gun Safety Makes No Sense

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

Is this the best he's got? READ MORE»

Maddow Says Trump Operatives Who Used National Tragedy to Hide Story Have 'Ice Water in Their Veins'

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

A damaging report was quietly dumped amid Parkland shooting coverage. READ MORE»

Trump Actually Slashed Funding to Fight White Supremacist Violence Prior to Florida School Shooting

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

His administration prioritized going after Muslim extremists instead. READ MORE»

This Video of a Slain Florida Student's Mother Screaming in Desperation at Trump Is Heartbreaking and Enraging

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Conservative leaders fail to act on guns as parents lose children in massacre after massacre. READ MORE»

The House Just Passed a Bill That's Great for Discriminatory Businesses, Horrible For People with Disabilities

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

Republicans — and a few Democrats — decided to roll back key protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act. READ MORE»

Jimmy Kimmel Blasts 'Allegedly Christian' Republican Lawmakers Who Do Nothing About Gun Violence

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

The host fought tears as he demanded real action. READ MORE»

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