There’s a church near my house that changed their sign in the weeks leading up to Easter. It reads: “Christ has risen. Who Cares?” with details for their Easter service below.
I believe the church is made up primarily of non-native English speakers, so they may be unaware of the flippant connotation of the phrase, “Who Cares?” But I had to admit the sign puts questions about the importance of the Resurrection into sharp focus. Even once you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, what difference does it make in your life? In our world?
As Rhyne Putman writes: “Academic studies usually try convincing readers that Jesus was raised from the dead while having little to say about why we should care.”
Putman argues that while we’re quick to argue for why the resurrection is true, we seldom mine its full implications. He reviews a new book, showing how Christ’s triumph over death impacts every are of life. Read: Jesus Is Risen! Now What?
Also, while we’re on the theme of new life, check out our resource on Injecting New Life into Your Congregation. If you’re in a season where your church is flagging, these articles will help you re-energize your people and inspire them to pursue God’s mission with renewed vigor.