TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 4, 2016

The History of Abortion Is a History of Punishing Women

Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

There were just as many abortions pre-Roe as there are today. The difference was women died. READ MORE»

Paul Ryan Just Now Realized He Was Ignorant About Poverty

Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet

Rana Foroohar’s new book, "Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business," gets to the stuff Ryan conveniently left out.  READ MORE»

Want to Defeat Trump? It Will Take Both Compassion and Confrontation

Andrew Willis Garces, Open Democracy

Having empathy doesn’t mean backing away from confrontation. It’s possible to extend love to opponents while throwing yourself into the gears of hate. READ MORE»

Diane Ravitch: The Crisis in Education Is That the Super Wealthy Corporate Education System Wants to Destroy Public Schools

By Diane Ravitch,

With privatization, the corporate education industry is threatening public schools. READ MORE»

The Media’s Biggest 2016 Failure Isn’t Donald Trump: It’s Ignoring the ‘Profound Crisis’ of Climate Change

By Jack Mirkinson, Salon

The clip of Hillary arguing with a protester is somehow the biggest climate story of 2016. The media must do better. READ MORE»

How the World’s View of the Palestine-Israel Conflict Is Changing Dramatically

By Rami G. Khouri, The Nation

More and more routinely Israel is now analyzed through the prism of South African apartheid practices. READ MORE»

The 10 States Most Hostile to Pot Smokers

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

If you like pot and you live in these states, it may be time to move; and if you are anti-pot, these states are right for you. READ MORE»

Cupid Weeps—The 25 Worst OkCupid Messages Ever

By Anna Pulley, AlterNet

Now you'll see why OkCupid is sometimes really not OK. READ MORE»

Conservative Republicans Channel the Marx Brothers: 'We're Against Everything'

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Where does all the the Tea Party's grouchiness come from? READ MORE»

Atheists Tend to Be More Tolerant Than Christians

By Darren E. Sherkat, Religion Dispatches

On this tolerance scale, Christians who believe in God rank the lowest. READ MORE»

She Must Be Kidding: Megyn Kelly Declares That Fox Is Not a Right-Wing News Channel

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"I think that Fox News is fair and balanced," said the host. READ MORE»

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