InformationWeek Data & Analytics
Hyper-Personalization Dilemma; AI-Driven Employee Monitoring; AI and ML Transform Retail Ops

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InformationWeek Data Analytics
June 10, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Who Owns Me: Data Monetization, Data Privacy, and Data Ownership
Votiro, IAPP, AvePoint, and Lookout discuss the intersection of data monetization, security, data privacy, and data ownership.

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Are Hyper-Personalization and an Individual's Control of Data at Odds?

Individuals want to control their data, but they also want their interactions with brands to be relevant. Businesses bear the burden of striking a balance.
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What Is the Future of AI-Driven Employee Monitoring?

Workplace monitoring isn’t new, but AI is giving employers new powers to sift through employee data and analyze their work performance.
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5 Key Ways AI and ML Can Transform Retail Business Operations

AI and machine learning offer retailers a range of benefits, including automated presentation of product information and improved customer experience.
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  • Enhance Cloud Security with Cloud-Native Security

    In this webinar, learn how your current cloud security measures may be falling short as you shift to cloud-native, and what new tools and processes you will need to put in place to stay ahead of attackers.

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Pros Love, Fear, and Revere AI: The 2024 State of AI Report
Is AI a boon or a bane to job security? A security tool or a vulnerability? Mature enterprise technology or immature toy? Essential enterprise technology or threat to humanity? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Future of Work Concepts That Need More Attention
Future of work concepts continue to evolve with circumstances and technological innovation. Here's a look at several. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Salesforce Unleashes Power of GenAI on Unstructured Data
The company announced the wide release of its database tool that allows companies to sift through mountains of unstructured data quickly, improving efficiency, it says. Read More

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