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Respro® Masks

WHO Releases Alarming Statistics

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently released new information and statistics regarding the air pollution levels around the world.

But what does this mean and how does it affect us?

On 27th September 2016, the WHO confirmed, using an air quality model, that 92% of the air pollution levels across the globe exceed the World Health Organisation’s limits.

The World Health Organisation also claims that, with the inclusion of indoor cooking fires and wood smoke, 1 in 9 deaths across the globe are also linked to Air Pollution.

Techno™ Filter Combo Pack

How Does This Affect Me?

As shown in the picture above, it is clear to see how easy it is to inhale these two types of particles, gasses and microns around populated areas of our globe.
Due to Europe and the UK’s dependence on diesel, the statistics indicate high levels of PM2.5 particles and gasses from combustion of fuels. As the demand for diesel grows, so does the level of these easily inhaled microns.

It is also known that not only do motorists become exposed to these gasses, but pedestrians and cyclists as well. The most concentrated areas of city pollution are by roadsides and street corners, where idle engines are most commonly Found.
The Air We Breathe
Watch our YouTube animation
 The Air We Breathe.

Also available with Chinese or Spanish subtitles.
For more news and information about air pollution, visit our blog the Respro® Bulletin Board.
Did you know? 

Q. How often do I need to change the filter in my Respro® Mask?

Q. What particle size does the Techno™ Mask filter out?
Buy Techno™ Filter Combo X 3 pack and save £13.

A combo pack gives you three packs of Techno filters (2 in each pack) with a great saving for you.

That's 6 individual filters. They can help to keep you breathing cleaner air for up to six months.
Buy Techno™ Combo Pack
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