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Emerce Next brengt de technologie van morgen naar vandaag. Dit is dé dag voor 1.000 tech talenten met >50 sessies, challenges en demo’s van aansprekende organisaties en internationale experts.

**vornaam**, it’s time to get excited, and join our online event on May 26th.

Press play for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, science design, virtual reality, and circular economy.

As we have shifted from an offline event to a 100% digital experience, we started by pitching the virtual concept to our valued sponsors and advisory board.

Not only did they immediately 'high-five' the camera, their excitement also resulted in a bunch of tech talks for you, including Google, Microsoft, and Uber.


Avinash Changa from WeMakeVR addresses how we can emerge from lockdowns by using immersive technologies for online education, remote working, events, entertainment and social interactions.
Alexandru Losup from VU Amsterdam received prestigious recognition as a researcher and professor. He takes you through the challenges of cloud computing systems and ecosystems.
Bas van de Pol of Ciphix got listed in 25-onder-25 and shares the why and how any organization can build intelligent virtual employees to solve business challenges.
Date: May 26th
Location: on your screen
Time: 8.30 - onward
Access: free u30
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