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Who was up, who was down: Joe scores the debate
The Morning Joe panel scores the candidate performances from the debate held Tuesday night in Charleston, South Carolina.
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Sen. Klobuchar on staying above the fray at Dem debate
2020 Democratic candidate, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, weighs in on her Tuesday debate performance and why she chose to focus less on Democratic in-fighting. Sen. Klobuchar also discusses the importance of rural health care.
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Sen. Sanders gets his turn in the hot seat at debate
At Tuesday's Democratic debate in Charleston, the challengers to Sen. Sanders did their best to halt his momentum. How effective were they? The panel discusses.
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Sen. Warren starts off measured, then turns to Bloomberg
The panel discusses Sen. Warren's debate performance and her decision to go after former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg.
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Trump downplays coronavirus amid CDC warning
Will Warren's attacks on Bloomberg prove effective?
Candidates spar over cost of progressive agenda
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