The president’s postelection legal challenges are being laughed out of court.
November 10, 2020
Why Are Democrats Shielding Republican Liars?

Democrats who say their conservative colleagues confess their anti-Trump feelings in private have a choice: Burn your sources or stay complicit in the lie.

By Nick Martin


Ivanka in Exile We may be done with Ivanka, but she is not done with us.By Josephine Livingstone
Postelection Misinformation and Massacre Threats on Conservatives’ Favorite New Social Media AppTed Cruz and Dinesh D’Souza have huge followings on Parler, a right-wing Twitter clone that has exploded in popularity since the election.By Jacob Silverman
There’s a Lot We Don’t Know About the Promising Covid Vaccine Experts celebrated the news that Pfizer’s vaccine could potentially prevent 90 percent of infections, but the road ahead is still very long and very uncertain.By Melody Schreiber


How the World Gave Up on the StatelessOver 10 million people are stateless today. Why have governments failed to help them?By Udi Greenberg
A Weeklong Election, in Pictures Mark Peterson documents the longest election night that ever was.By Jason Linkins and Mark Peterson


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