Good morning, Marketer, may the rain always fall gently on you. 

B2B marketing is, I think, the toughest type of marketing. The customers are looking for products to help them with something they are experts about: their jobs. They’re all about deliverables, not promises. These are the people who will always look past the sizzle to the steak itself. 

Tough crowd, as they say in the comedy business. 

As if that wasn’t enough, as today’s story shows, they hate traditional B2B selling techniques. They want to research your product online and without the aid of a salesperson. So your content has to connect, has to show you know where the customer is coming from and has to be 99% facts. In B2C you can get help from all sorts of creatives. In B2B, it’s just you, the customer and the product. That’s tough.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Why B2B buyers now hate traditional B2B selling

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