TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 20, 2017

Why Bernie Is the Most Popular Politician in America

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

Sanders' message about the ravages of runaway inequality hit home because it is true.  READ MORE»

Why Is the GOP So Excited About Pushing for a Law That Will Make Poor People Get Sicker and Die?

By D. Watkins, Salon

With the AHCA, the Republicans have put a price tag on the lives of America's working class: $300 billion. READ MORE»

Inside the Network Funding GMO Propaganda and PR to Cover Up Toxic Chemical Risks

By Stacy Malkan, AlterNet

Several vocal supporters of GMOs and pesticides are funded by the same groups that finance climate science denial. READ MORE»

Trump Is Waging War on Diplomacy Itself

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Slashing the State Department and the U.N. is preparation for Bannon's "clash of civilizations" READ MORE»

Report Confirms Fox News’ Napolitano Repeated Russian Media For His British Intelligence Conspiracy Theory

By Media Matters Staff, Media Matters

His false claims were cited by press secretary Sean Spicer to defend Trump’s baseless claims that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. READ MORE»

Is Disney Box Office Smash 'Beauty and the Beast' a Work of Fraudulent Feminism?

By Zoe Williams, The Guardian

There is more than a whiff of Fifty Shades about this film. READ MORE»

Should Your Insurance Company Pay for Medical Marijuana? Judges Are Starting to Rule That Way

By April M. Short, AlterNet

As marijuana proves safer and more effective than opiates, several court rulings may set a new precedent.  READ MORE»

‘No One Is Safe’: Ex-North Carolina Police Chief Rips Customs Agents for Detaining Him Because of His Name

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Anyone can be profiled, even when they can prove they're also in law enforcement. READ MORE»

29 Healthy Foods That Are Incredibly Cheap

By Brianna Elliott, Authority Nutrition

Eating healthy on a tight budget can be challenging. READ MORE»

Why Does WikiLeaks Keep Publishing U.S. State Secrets? Private Contractors

By Tim Shorrock, The Washington Post

By outsourcing key intelligence work, the government has made classified material more vulnerable. READ MORE»

Has the Tech Bubble Peaked? Signs that the Startup Boom May Be Fizzling

By Olivia Solon, The Guardian

How does this compare to the time leading up to the dotcom crash? READ MORE»

Black Lives Matter in Britain, Too: A Protest Movement Takes Root Across the Pond

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A powerful new documentary shows racial inequality is a transatlantic scourge. READ MORE»

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