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AI In the Nov 2023 Enterprise

AI is everywhere. I can't seem to get away from stories on the technology in 2023, and while I don't know that I've found it that helpful, I keep looking at it because it's becoming a pervasive technology that most enterprises will experiment with in some way. There is a look at generative AI in the Enterprise in the O'Reilly Radar, which tracks how technology is changing and influencing the world.

The report talks about most of the respondents to a survey using AI, which makes sense as the people responding likely have some interest in the technology. I always take these trends with a grain of salt as people who are busy and not interested might not respond. Only a small percentage of uninterested people will actually answer these things.

As I look at the numbers with that in mind, I find it interesting that about half of the users think AI will lead to greater productivity and a small number (4%) think this means less headcount. However, only a minority (41%) have been using this for over a year. That likely means in most cases that people are experimenting like I am. This isn't a pervasive technology in the enterprise, though I'd argue that while DevOps might be in use in most enterprises, I wonder if it's in use in most projects at most enterprises. Culture change is hard for most people and I still meet lots of people who aren't trying to get better at building software.

The big challenge in many companies is finding appropriate business cases. I think that's my struggle as well, in trying to think about how to use AI to write or build code, I struggle to think of how to prompt or what to prompt. Often by the time I define the problem, I can just write the code. If I were scaffolding out basic classes or tables, maybe I'd feel differently, but as our CTO put it, we spend most of our time figuring out the problem, not writing the code. There are legal concerns, but those are from a minority of respondents. I have a meeting with our legal department soon, which will help me iron out some of my concerns and get guidance.

Interestingly, 77% of people are using AI in programming, with about half of those using it for work. I don't know if we've done a good job understanding the IP/copyright issues here, so that's surprising. I would guess in many organizations that don't sell software, they don't care about this at all. If they get code from an AI that was copied from somewhere else, if it works, who cares?

I find that much of the code generated isn't great. It's junior developer level, which might not matter to many organizations. After all, they employ junior developers, and some employ senior developers with 6 months of experience 10-20 times over who write that level of code. If the AI does it faster, all the better.

I think AI is a technology that is going to impact our lives as technical and data professionals. Whether you use it to write code or use it as a glorified search engine, it's a tool that you want to understand and develop some skill with. Writing prompts and learning how to navigate an AI system is helpful. If it actually gives you something useful, even better. And if you learn more about building models and prompt engineering, you might find yourself with some interested opportunities in the future as I expect those jobs to grow in number across the next few years.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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SQLServerCentral Article

Why Don't You Upgrade in Place?

Andy Warren from SQLServerCentral

Is there a reason to upgrade your SQL Server in place instead of building a new instance? Andy Warren has a few thoughts today on why this might be the right choice.

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Sending resource alerts on Managed Instance using db_mail

Additional Articles from Microsoft MSDN

One of the biggest issue that you might experience in Managed Instance is reaching storage limit or finding out that you don't have enough CPU. In this case you would need to get the bigger instance; however, this is not instant operation. In this post, you will see how you can monitor resource usage and send email alerts if there is a risk that you might reach the limits.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - You should be running on SQL Server 2022

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It’s me again with my apparently semi-annual blog post. This time we’re going to talk about which version of SQL Server you should be on, now that we’re at...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Extended Events in Azure Data Studio

hellosqlkitty from SQLKitty

I know I can use extended events (xevents) in Azure SQL DB when in SSMS, but I wanted to learn how to use them in Azure Data Studio (ADS)....

Expert Performance Indexing in Azure SQL and SQL Server 2022

Expert Performance Indexing in Azure SQL and SQL Server 2022

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Take a deep dive into perhaps the single most important facet of query performance―indexes―and how to best use them. Newly updated for SQL Server 2022 and Azure SQL, this fourth edition includes new guidance and features related to columnstore indexes, improved and consolidated content on Query Store, deeper content around Intelligent Query Processing, and other […]


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Parameter Defaults

I have a T-SQL stored procedure that looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AddTogether @a int , @b int = 1 AS BEGIN -- Declare a variable to store the result DECLARE @result INT; -- Add the two parameters and assign to the variable SET @result = @a + @b; -- Return the result SELECT @result; END;
Where can I query the DMVs to get the parameter defaults? (null for @a, 1 for @b)

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Statistics Sampling Options

I want to create statistics on a column that I know will be used for querying filtering. However, this is a large table and I don't want to sample the entire table. What are my options for setting a limit on how much data is examined to create statistics?

Answer: You can specify a percentage or number of rows

Explanation: The options for sampling are a percentage from 0 to 100, or a number of rows from 1 to the number in the table. Ref: CREATE STATISTICS -

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