Jul 14, 2020
By Anthony B. Kim

In marked contrast to Marxist-Leninist ideology, individuals in a free market democracy control the fruits of their own labor and initiative.
By Cal Thomas

In an increasingly secular-progressive culture where destroying one’s political enemies is considered sport, many may find Stone’s professed conversion to Christianity hard to accept.
By Andrew Trunsky

Of the total, $150 million is allocated for groups, including the Black Lives Matter Fund, “that helped to create and now sustain the momentum towards racial equality,” according to a press release from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
By Chris White

Britain won’t allow Huawei Technologies Co. to deploy equipment designed to complete the nation’s fifth-generation mobile service, delivering a blow to the Chinese tech giant.
By Jarrett Stepman

Though Marx and Engels are perhaps most known for their ideas about class conflict and revolution, they both dabbled in theories—increasingly popular at the time—about race and racial hierarchies.

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