Calling all library innovators: join the community
Empower your library: Connect, collaborate, and create Impact
Shape the future through community-driven development
New Whitepaper available
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How community-driven development innovates solutions and connects libraries

Team members from libraries of all sizes around the world are instrumental in shaping the library solutions from Ex Libris. Their hands-on experiences and priceless feedback are integral to our development process.

This new paper chronicles the development of the engaged and vocal community that guides Ex Libris product development and describes the myriad ways Ex Libris users connect and share learnings for the benefit of all. It also serves as a practical guide to ways you can help shape the future of Ex Libris library services and benefit from joining a community that’s driving library innovation.  

Why should you download this whitepaper?

Discover how community engagement creates value for libraries like yours.
Learn about our transparent enhancement development process that welcomes your voice in our roadmap.
Find out how to connect with a global community of library professionals and what you can gain from being part of it.
Explore success stories of collaboration leading to significant advancements in library services.
Get your free copy here
Learn how you can get more involved.
Libraries are undergoing a thrilling transformation with the integration of AI and linked open data. This shift towards data-centric operations underscores the growing importance of enhanced collaboration and increased community engagement.

Don’t miss out on this chance to shape the future of your library. Download the free whitepaper and start building your library’s impact, today!

Kind regards,
Daniela Wittig
Marketing Manager
Ex Libris, Part of Clarivate
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