Three technologies that could demolish slow internet

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Computerworld Mobile/Wireless Computing

Feb 21, 2017
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Why Google and Apple will rule mixed reality

Sorry, Microsoft and Magic Leap. The Silicon Valley smartphone giants have one thing you haven't got. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Three technologies that could demolish slow internet
Intel's mobile future is in blazing modems as it buries Atom failure
LTE speeds outpace home internet with new Qualcomm and Intel modems
Intel takes on IoT complexity with carrier-approved boards
Apple may cut the (charging) cord completely with the iPhone 8
What to expect at Apple’s March iPad Pro event
Capriza launches a suite of universal micro apps
ARM buys Mistbase and NextG-Com to extend its reach in IoT
Columbus, Ohio, region boosts smart mobility research

White Paper: Insight

Best Practices For Securing And Empowering A Mobile Workforce

Today's employees want the ability to work anywhere, anytime. But in order to give your team reliable, flexible options to optimize mobile workforce productivity, your business needs a strategy to manage device security. Download the complimentary Forrester report to learn what steps you can take to enable a successful Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Read More

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Three technologies that could demolish slow internet

Broadband internet has opened up almost unlimited possibilities for commerce, distance learning, civic participation, and knowledge sharing. But we are only scratching the surface of what's to come. Read More

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Intel's mobile future is in blazing modems as it buries Atom failure

Intel passed on the opportunity to make chips for the first iPhone, and in May discontinued Atom smartphone chips after wasting billions trying to get them in handsets. The chip company instead started building a new mobile identity around its modems and wireless connectivity assets. Read More

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LTE speeds outpace home internet with new Qualcomm and Intel modems

With every new generation of smartphone, LTE connections get faster. That's because the devices have faster modems that can transfer data at unprecedented download speeds. Read More

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Intel takes on IoT complexity with carrier-approved boards

Intel is launching a program to provide IoT device boards that have been pre-certified by mobile operators. Read More

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Apple may cut the (charging) cord completely with the iPhone 8

As some industry experts wonder whether Apple will add wireless charging to its next iPhone, others believe it will go all in -- cutting the charging cord completely, just as it cut the analog audio port in the iPhone 7. Read More

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What to expect at Apple’s March iPad Pro event

We distill the expectations of the Apple's March iPad Pro madness. Read More

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Capriza launches a suite of universal micro apps

Monster steak or varied buffet? If you prefer the latter, Capriza’s new offerings will please you. Read More

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ARM buys Mistbase and NextG-Com to extend its reach in IoT

Chip designer ARM has a new strategy for the internet of things: offer complete solutions "from application software to antenna." Read More

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Columbus, Ohio, region boosts smart mobility research

One focus will be on developing universal standards for wireless communications between vehicles and sensors on traffic signals, highway lanes and other road infrastructure. Read More

White Paper: Microsoft Surface

How Technology Helps SMBs to Maximize the Value of Ideas

In an increasingly competitive environment, ideas can differentiate businesses and fuel their growth. SMBs need to get behind ideas and the people that create them. They can do that by encouraging a culture in which ideas thrive, and by giving people the tools they need to shape, share, and sell their ideas. Read More

Does Your Data Discriminate? Read Computerworld's newest digital magazine

Learn how to prevent data biases in the January/February 2017 issue of Computerworld’s monthly Digital Magazine. The magazine also includes News Analysis, Opinions and Shark Tank -- all free for download with registration. View the magazine here

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