Real wages decreased 1.3% last year, according to the PayScale Index. The report shows transportation and manufacturing took the hardest hits, declining 3.9% and 2.4%, respectively. MarketWatch (1/10)
Accelerate the Growth of Your Key Managers Meet your toughest talent development challenges by partnering with Kellogg. Our programs bring new thinking into your organization to make your best people even better. LEARN MORE
Low wages, large classes and limited support resources are among reasons Hawaii is experiencing record teacher turnover. The shortage has forced the Education Department to hire student teachers who have not completed their degree or certification. KITV-TV (Honolulu) (1/7)
Make your performance reviews more human Tech and tools can only go so far. See how confidential coaching can help your employees have better performance conversations. Download the report
Earn a free year of digital access to NYT Cooking Get cooking with The New York Times. You'll receive unlimited access to over 19,000 Times-tested recipes, helpful guides, and the wit, wisdom and inspiration of Times food writers. Refer SmartBrief to 5 colleagues and enjoy a free year of unlimited access to NYT Cooking. Your Referral
Benefits & Compensation
Study: 20% of millennials in debt think they'll never pay it off More than 60% of millennials in debt don't know when they'll be able to pay off that debt, and about 20% believe they will die before it's paid, a study by Northwestern Mutual found. The average debt among those 18 to 34 is $32,000, excluding home mortgages. CNBC (1/9)
Tools help small businesses build stronger cybersecurity Small businesses lost an average of close to $100,000 due to cyberattacks in 2017, the Better Business Bureau reports. Audits, training, data protection, software updates and creating a secure, independent network to house customer information are some of the tools small businesses can use to guard against such credibility-damaging attacks. Entrepreneur online (1/7)
The HR Leader
8 steps to helping new hires It's tempting to micromanage new hires, but they need to own their responsibilities and make a few mistakes in order to learn, writes Naphtali Hoff. Help from managers could include assigning mentors, offering encouragement and communicating frequently with questions that prompt hires to puzzle through solutions, he explains. SmartBrief/Leadership (1/9)
A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.