TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 16, 2016

There Is Talk of Prison Reform, But for the 150,000 People in Jail for Life, There Is No Reform on the Horizon

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Life and life without parole sentencing, like mass incarceration itself, needs a reexamination.  READ MORE»

Some Little Known Reasons Why France Is on the Frontline of the War With the Islamic State

By Nafeez Ahmed, AlterNet

France’s persistent targeting by extremists is linked to its secretive war and occupation strategies. READ MORE»

Meet the Men Who Risked Their Freedom to Expose the Police Murder of Alton Sterling

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Abdullah Muflahi and Chris LeDay both say they have faced police retaliation for recording and posting videos of the killing. READ MORE»

Being in a Music Video or Writing Rap Lyrics Is Being Used as Evidence to Get (Mostly Black) People Convicted

By Michael Arria, AlterNet

Rap lyrics and videos are being introduced into court cases with troubling frequency. READ MORE»

Poor Jeb Is Right for Once: His Brand of Conservatism Is Dead — And He’s Partly to Blame

By Gary Legum, Salon

Jeb Bush is bummed that the con he's played on Republicans for decades has finally collapsed on itself. READ MORE»

Hey Students, Stop Asking Noam Chomsky for Help with Your Homework

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

He has answers, but you won’t like them.  READ MORE»

He's Back: Jon Stewart Will Reunite With Stephen Colbert to Cover the RNC

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The world is once again safe . . . for comedy. READ MORE»

Hooked! The Unyielding Grip of Fossil Fuels on Global Life

By Michael Klare, TomDispatch

Despite the advances of renewable energy, fossil fuels will continue to dominate the global landscape for decades to come. READ MORE»

Don’t Fear the Poképocalypse: Pokémon Go Is a Fun Phone Game, Not the End of Life as We Know It

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Hands are wringing over the supposed dangers of Pokémon Go, but history suggests it's an overblown tech panic. READ MORE»

How We Wrongly Learn to Love White Men With Guns

By Imraan Siddiqi, The Establishment

We learn to see white men— and especially white men with guns—as the definition of American, and those most deserving of our empathy.  READ MORE»

A Victory in the Battle Against Payday Loan Scams (Exclusive Video)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A new documentary reveals that community organizing can make a big difference in solving the problem of payday lending.  READ MORE»

Sex at the Nursing Home—Why Not?

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

When an 85-year-old resident spent the night with her boyfriend, her aides made her a "Do Not Disturb" sign. READ MORE»

Think Animals Don't Have Emotions? Researchers Have News for You

By Carl Safina, Picador USA

Complex animals have inherited very ancient emotional systems. READ MORE»

Making Ultra-Cool Cannabis Cocktails (Video)

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Okay, they won't get you high, but these weed-infused libations look scrumptious.  READ MORE»

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