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Join us for an intensive course focusing on the Medicare regulatory requirements for patients and more!

With denials on the rise nationwide, many institutions are taking a closer look at their utilization management programs as a way to stop unnecessary costs and claim denials for the future. As the first set of eyes looking at documentation, it's important for CDI professionals to have an acceptable understanding of utilization management and patient status rules to accurately assess the level of care to bill for.

Our Medicare Boot Camp®—Utilization Review Version is a trusted seminar for healthcare professionals to master Medicare rules and best practices so you aren't leaving money on the table.

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March 7 - 8


Leave this course learning how to:

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CMS guidance on case-by-case admissions

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Know the differences between post-discharge versus concurrent patient status reviews

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When ABNs and HINNs should be used for stays that don’t meet medical necessity requirements


Bring our instructors to you for a training tailored around your needs

Finding the right education and training is difficult. We've made it simple - bring our instructors to you for a customized instructor-led training that focuses around your needs. 

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