The Soapbox: A weekly roundup of TNR’s political coverage
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A weekly roundup of TNR's political coverage
Why King Charles Is England’s Biggest Moocher
The British monarchy is a governmental anachronism, but as a capitalist enterprise, sadly, it may be the future.
by Timothy Noah
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Republicans have been running circles around Democrats for decades. But finally the right has handed them a potent weapon. Will they recognize it and use it?
by Michael Sokolove
The Republican Party’s platform is all about trolling the libs.
by Alex Shephard
“I know everything about my caucus,” the Senate majority leader enthused. “I care about them. I love them.”
by Grace Segers
The right-wing court’s abortion decision could cost the Republicans the Senate—and thus deny McConnell another term as majority leader.
by Walter Shapiro
From the archives:
How a 170-year-old magazine has struggled to uphold liberal capitalism

by Patrick Iber


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