TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 27, 2018

Lying Is a Fundamental Part of American Police Culture

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Cops lie under oath so often they even have a nickname for the practice. READ MORE»

Stormy Daniels' 60 Minutes Interview Points Out Something Hugely Problematic About How Women Have Sex

By Shannon Weber, AlterNet

Daniels insists she's not a victim, but her story is troubling to some. READ MORE»

Behind Stormy's Saga: Trump's Systematic Payoff Machine Is the Real Story

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Beyond salacious curiosity, Stormy Daniels’ tale tells us a lot about how Trump operates—and what he fears most. READ MORE»

New Analysis: 2018's Blue Wave Must Be as Big as What Followed Nixon's 1974 Resignation to Retake House

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Brennan Center analysts say Democrats need an 11 percent national popular voter margin to win 23 more House seats. READ MORE»

'The Gig Economy' Is the New Term for Serfdom

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig

The corporate architects of the new economy have no intention of halting the assault. READ MORE»

Jimmy Carter Says Hiring John Bolton Is Trump's Worst Mistake Yet

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

"I don't think he's doing well," the former president said. READ MORE»

Naomi Wadler, 11: I Speak for Black Girls Victimized by Guns Whose Stories Don’t Make the Front Page

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

She was the voice of the voiceless at the March for Our Lives. READ MORE»

Trump Takes on the World

By John Feffer, TomDispatch

Trump's scorn for human rights is making a world where only the rich and the strong will prosper. READ MORE»

The Congressional Map Is Even More Rigged in Favor of Republicans Than You Realize

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

New research indicates Democrats may need a tidal wave to reclaim the House this fall. READ MORE»

In John Bolton, Donald Trump Has an Adviser Who’s Radical Even by Neocon Standards

By Natasha Ezrow, The Conversation

With his foreign policy terminally mired in chaos, Trump has almost fully surrounded himself with a mixture of yes-men and warmongers.  READ MORE»

Right-Wing Site Inaccurately Smears David Hogg As a Liar, Blames Mistake on 'Confusing' Video Clip

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

Red State retracted the article but tried to avoid accountability for the error. READ MORE»

Can We Have ’90s Roseanne Back, Please?

By Kate Aronoff, In These Times

We need the old Roseanne’s working-class heroism now more than ever. We’re better off with the reruns than the reboot. READ MORE»

Want to Reduce Your Risk of Death by 12%? Eat More Chili Peppers

By Erica Julson, Authority Nutrition

Jalapeños have some surprising health benefits. READ MORE»

Popular Beer and Wine Brands Contaminated With Monsanto's Weedkiller, Tests Reveal

By Zen Honeycutt, AlterNet

Some brewers and vintners are taking steps to avoid contamination from glyphosate.  READ MORE»

Lawyers Are Fleeing Trump Because They're Afraid He'll Perjure Himself, Former GOP Official Says

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The president's top lawyer doesn't have much experience handling high-profile criminal lawsuits.  READ MORE»

Trump Is Privately Asking Staff If They Watched Stormy Daniels on '60 Minutes'

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

He's trying to boost his ego by convincing the people around him she isn't credible. READ MORE»

Brazilian School Districts Make Historic Switch to 100% Plant-Based Meals

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Meanwhile, in the U.S., 20% of diets are responsible for nearly half the nation's food-related emissions. READ MORE»

Former Top Justice Department Official Explains Why Trump's Disappearing Lawyers Could Be a Huge Clue

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

The legal team shuffle may have a major implication. READ MORE»

Trump Reportedly Misses Accused Wife-Abuser Rob Porter, Wants Him Back in White House

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

The president apparently talked to multiple aides about it. READ MORE»

Michael Cohen Implied that Stormy Daniels Lied — Here's Why He May Come to Regret It

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The lawsuit could give Daniels the opportunity to prove the truth of her claims in court. READ MORE»

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