NREI Daily
Wealth Management FinTech

JULY 27, 2020

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Why Mall Landlords Are Turning Empty Anchors into Fulfillment Centers

Retail landlords are continuing to seek creative ways to keep space occupied and stay afloat, and that equation includes fulfillment centers. Property owners are transforming large retail spaces, oftentimes former big-box and department stores, into fulfillment centers and other logistics facilities. 




Social Media

Becoming a Part of the Conversation

By now, most industry experts understand that social media is a crucial part of any long-term marketing campaign. With billions of users across the world, and with many users that are actively looking to spend money, social media creates boundless opportunities for businesses of all kinds, including those that are involved in the real estate syndication space.




America’s Race Movement Affects You, Too

What’s surprising is how long it has taken to confront our collective past. This includes understanding the significance of Juneteenth—the day marking the effective end of slavery in the U.S.—the devastating legacy of Jim Crow laws, and the destruction of Black Wall Street in Oklahoma. Acknowledging this history is an important first step toward restructuring a system that’s persistently suppressed equitable access to wealth. But why, after so many years, is it happening now?


Can Covid Spread With Air Conditioning? HVAC Makers Plan Upgrades

With research showing the coronavirus may spread through shared air, property managers are rushing to upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems before reopening buildings. That’s leading to costly upgrades for equipment that armies of professionals used to take for granted.


11 Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today

Senate Republicans have yet to put forward their proposal for further coronavirus relief as extended unemployment benefits and eviction moratoriums come to an end. A pair of columns from Forbes examines what bills are being discussed and what the impacts could be if no measures are passed. A piece from the Wall Street Journal looks at how some companies have begun to see the limitations of the work-from-home model. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.