Good morning, Marketer, and won’t a cookieless world seem strange?

I had that thought last week when my Instagram feed suddenly filled with ads for a product I was not remotely in-market for. But at least I knew why. I had been researching a brand for a case study I was writing. I spent some time, of course, on their website, looking at products for which I was not the target demographic.

I filled no forms on the website, offered up no personal information, yet the ads showed up right away on my social media. Ah, the magic of cookies. I’m too accustomed to this happening to find it annoying, but it did make me think about how random advertising might become in the post-cookie age.

There is at least a chance I might be interested in a product I appear to have been researching. An internet where I’m shown ads for products I haven’t even looked at — snow shoes? helicopters? — is going to be stranger than we yet fully realize.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

P.S. On a more somber note, we mark with great regret the untimely passing of Vasil Azarov, founder of Growth Blazers and event marketer extraordinary. He was a good friend of MarTech and we send our heartfelt condolences to his family.

Why marketing operations leaders have become modernizers

MOps leaders now orchestrate business and customer outcomes at the modern intersection of art and science.

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Here’s what the role of a martech orchestrator looks like

We all know martech is complex and evolving so we need orchestrators to provide clarity about how operations are managed.

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Lessons in Buying Group Marketing – Learning to dance with your sales team

While Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a key strategy today, going forward, B2B marketers will take a more holistic view. More of a dance than a race, marketing is evolving to look at the entire lifecycle and how to care for the customer relationship at each phase.

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Why ‘modelers,’ the data experts in marketing technology, are so needed now

It's in how they think compared to other roles in the marketing team that makes them incredibly valuable

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Webinar: Measurement in a Cookieless World - Are You Ready for What’s Next?

Effective measurement is a fundamental pillar of all marketing. But measurement is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s privacy-first world. With the imminent sunset of third-party cookies by 2023, there are two questions that are looming in the marketing world about measurement: How would you measure (and report on) in-channel performance if you do not have access to all the data? What would this mean for cross-channel data attribution? Join this webinar to find answers.

There’s still time to RSVP!

6 key marketing ops predictions for 2022

Marketing operations is finally having its moment in the spotlight and it's not going to give it up any time soon.

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What is marketing operations and who are MOps professionals?

Learn what marketing operations is and why it's important.

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What we’re reading. Challenging thoughts from marketing strategist Kathleen Schaub. She argues that marketing is a brand’s “long game.” Short-term stimuli to trigger sales, she writes, should be “used infrequently and under appropriate conditions.” She may well be right, but with marketing organizations under pressure to show swift ROI, is playing the long game a luxury?

From Search Engine Land

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