NWC Update
Network Computing
January 04, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
A Look Back at 2023: A Year of Something Something Networking
Based on happenings last year, it's a good time to be in the networking space. We're on the cusp of seeing a lot of innovation and exciting new capabilities become part of both multi-cloud and microservices networking.

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Why Secure SD-WAN is a Pillar of Enterprise Cybersecurity
While the networking industry chatter is centered on hot topics like ZTNA and SASE, it's easy to forget to check in on existing solutions like SD-WAN.
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2023 Network Computing Words of the Year
Which words captured our attention, piqued our fancy, sparked our interest, made our dreams come true, or kept us up at night in 2023? Drumroll, please ...
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10 SD-WAN Providers & Solutions to Consider in 2024: An Overview
IT leaders are increasingly turning to a Software-Defined Wide-Area Network (SD-WAN) overlay. Here, we look into ten of the most popular SD-WAN providers.
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Fighting Back Against Fileless Malware
Fileless malware attacks are extremely hard to detect and the time it takes for them to be discovered is growing. The best approach to dealing with it is preventing the malware from infecting a network by adopting a zero-trust approach. Read More
5 Reasons Not to Use Serverless Computing
Despite its popularity, serverless computing has downsides and is not always the best approach for every part of every workload. Read More
Expect a BEAD Broadband Slowdown in 2024
Enterprises are advised to monitor broadband deployment activity at the state level as providers take advantage of funding made available in the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) portion of the nation's Infrastructure and Jobs Act. Read More
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