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September 7, 2022


Why North Carolina in 2022 Could Cost Biden Dearly in 2024
Republicans could be poised to return veto-proof majorities in the state houses. Goodbye, abortion rights. So long, voting rights.
by Daniel Strauss
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The tech billionaire wants to remake the Republican Party—and America. But Blake Masters and J.D. Vance are lagging in the polls, and struggling to raise money.
by Alex Shephard
A handful of companies control the web. It doesn’t have to be that way.
by Sarah Leonard
It isn't just that she’s a Trump appointee who’s hedging her bets. It’s also that special masters are unaccountable and undemocratic.
by Timothy Noah
The newest campaign against children’s hospitals is part of a much larger pattern.
by Melissa Gira Grant
The major oil-producing state has long tried to have it both ways: regulating emissions while allowing companies to drill at will. That’s about to change.
by Kate Aronoff


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