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Why Now?

Dear John,

When an entrepreneur or professional comes to me for coaching on business growth there are three key questions I ask to determine if they are a good candidate:
First: Why do you want to grow your revenue/income?
Second:  How badly do you want to grow?
Third: Why is now the right time?
The ideal candidate will be able to answer those three questions without a second thought.   
You see, I’m a shortcut. I take people to their destination years before they would figure it out on their own.  
I bring consistency, intensity, and accountability to the relationship. I also plug my clients into a supportive community of like-minded people who are on the same journey.  
But the client brings the desire. 
Sometimes people come to me with the desire, but the timing isn’t right.  That’s why the answer to the third question is so important.  
When people talk about “reinventing” themselves or when they talk about “sticking with this because I’m really good at it” that’s a signal that the desire to grow is lacking in their current role.
Recently I had a conversation with a lawyer who has an excellent reputation and seems to be at the top of his game in his practice area.  His growth led him to hire a team of people and, from the outside, it appears as if everything is going amazingly well.  
Reality: This gentleman, in his 50’s, with no financial issues, is wandering around like he is lost. He has bounced from one “business coach” to another and he is never satisfied with the advice he receives.  
Since he was a competitive individual, he is able to answer the first and the second question but not the third.  
Your challenge is to be able to answer all three questions at all times. If you can’t, you’re in the wrong role.  
I share this with you as a mitzvah – a gift – because this level of self-awareness is not something people usually get to on their own.
Here’s your action item: Help me understand your answer to the third question.
Why is this the right time for you to grow?
If you want to discuss your answer, or if you don’t know the answer and you want to discuss that, give me a call.
Warm Regards,
Dave Lorenzo
I post multiple videos on sales techniques and strategy each day on my YouTube channel.  Visit, subscribe and please share them with other like-minded folks.

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