Plus, how bears disrupted a libertarian-run town, and more...
November 2, 2020
Why Ohio Is the State to Watch on Election Night

No Republican president has ever won the White House without carrying the Buckeye state.

By Walter Shapiro


Libertarian vs. Bear A group of libertarians took over a rural town to live out their dreams of small government and freedom from regulation. The local bears had other ideas.
Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Is Fox News Ready for Former President Trump?Why a Trump defeat could turn into a huge headache for the conservative media network.
By Alex Shephard
The Pandemic Case for the Two-Day WorkweekThe ongoing national nightmare makes it clear that we need to disentangle work from basic needs like health care and housing—and then do way, way less of it.
By J.C. Pan


The Libertarian Moment That Never ComesEvery four years, the party mounts a hopeless bid for president. But this year, with nominee Jo Jorgensen, there’s even less hope than usual.
By Kevin Mahnken
Is Biden Ready for a Helter-Skelter Presidential Transition? Should the former vice president win on Tuesday, the next several weeks will be vital to the success of his administration.
By Bruce Bartlett
The Elusive Dream of a Functioning Native CaucusCan the current ideological split among Native members of Congress—and electoral hopefuls—lead to anything like a unified front on issues impacting Indian Country?
By Nick Martin


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