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April 23, 2021
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
Why our brain likes a good story in a presentation
(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Neuroscience shows that storytelling creates a connection between speaker and audience, especially when visuals such as props or images are added. "Strengthen emotional associations with your audience and turn them into active participants by including analogy and metaphor in your stories," writes Ashish Arora, co-founder of SketchBubble.
Full Story: Business 2 Community (4/21) 
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The oldest millennials are turning 40, and as they move into management, many are wondering whether climbing the corporate ladder is truly worthwhile. The pandemic could change millennials' career trajectories as flexible work options become mainstream.
Full Story: CNBC (4/22) 
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Increase your self-awareness by journaling about your thoughts, observing how other people react to your leadership and finding colleagues who will give you honest feedback, writes Theodore Kinni. "If leaders can't reflect on what they expect and compare it with the outcomes they receive, there is no basis for improvement," he writes.
Full Story: Strategy+Business (free registration) (4/22) 
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Hire Smart
One strategy to retain valuable workers is to hold stay interviews, which are designed to uncover ways to improve the work environment. Here are five questions to ask during a stay interview that keep employees engaged in their jobs.
Full Story: Inc. (tiered subscription model) (4/21) 
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Would you relocate to a city that offers an incentive?
The Landscape
Nonprofit employment increased by nearly 81,000 jobs in March but is still down about 830,000 jobs from February 2020, according to the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies. The center previously anticipated a full recovery would take two years, but it now estimates the sector will return to full employment in about one and a half years.
Full Story: NYN Media (New York) (4/22) 
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Balancing Yourself
6 kinds of rest -- other than sleeping
(Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)
There are six types of rest that all humans need other than physical rest in bed -- "mental, social, creative, emotional, spiritual and sensory rest," writes Janet Rajan, an executive growth coach. Even if you thrive on the creative process, do nothing for a while to replenish yourself.
Full Story: Thrive Global (4/21) 
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The Water Cooler
Small islands make for short walks
Caye Caulker (Nina Raingold/Getty Images)
Today's dose of mental vacationing takes you to some very small islands. If you wanna get away from all the noise that accompanies motorized traffic, these islands are for you. Heck, some are so small you don't even need a bike to get around ... you can just walk.
Full Story: Frommer's (4/21) 
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You cannot improvise unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Christopher Walken,
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