Learn how to turn criticism into growth | 3 time-honored tips to effective public speaking | Report: Workers want pay flexibility
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July 9, 2019
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
Why people are paying to get out of the office
Why people are paying to get out of the office
(Pierre Andrieu/AFP/Getty Images)
Some employees are willing to pay for a co-working space to escape the drab, noisy conditions at their employer, writes James Wellemeyer. They appreciate the supportive culture in these workspaces versus the competitive one they left behind but risk losing out on advancement opportunities.
MarketWatch (7/8) 
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Learn how to turn criticism into growth
Criticism is difficult to hear, but you can turn it into a chance to improve, writes leadership coach Janine Schindler. Tips include asking for clarification, listening carefully and avoiding the tendency to take criticism personally.
Forbes (7/2) 
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Making the Connection
3 time-honored tips to effective public speaking
Address your audience like you would your friends and know the purpose behind your message, say these public speaking coaches. Remember the three steps to successfully reaching your audience: Tell them what you're going to say, say it and remind them what they were told.
Management Today (UK) (tiered subscription model) (7/5) 
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The Landscape
Report: Workers want pay flexibility
ADP Research Institute's Evolution of Pay report explores perceptions of employees and employers on pay methods. Seventy-eight percent of employers acknowledge they will need to create more flexible pay offerings to secure quality talent, and 62% of employees say the option for a personalized pay frequency would affect their decision to accept a job offer.
TLNT (7/3) 
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Your Next Challenge
Turn negative experiences into interview selling points
Hiring managers want to hear what you learned from setbacks -- not complaints about former employers, writes business coach Ashira Prossack. She offers examples of how to positively express lessons learned without dwelling on the negative circumstances behind them.
Forbes (6/26) 
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Referrals matter most in the job hunt
Job seekers should focus on finding referrals rather than blindly applying to a multitude of positions, writes J.T. O'Donnell, CEO of WorkItDaily.com. "If 'spraying and praying' has been your job search methodology to date, you've really not been looking for work at all," O'Donnell writes.
Inc. (6/2019) 
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Balancing Yourself
Study: High physical activity levels may reduce anxiety risk
A study published in the journal Depression and Anxiety found the risk of anxiety and other related disorders was less among people with high self-reported physical activity, compared with people who had low physical activity levels. "Increasing physical activity should be considered a priority on preventing mental and physical chronic conditions and reducing overall mortality," researchers wrote.
Healio (free registration) (7/2) 
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The Water Cooler
Shark tooth comes out of man's foot 24 years after being attacked
Shark tooth comes out of man's foot 24 years after being attacked
(Eitan Abramovich/AFP/Getty Images)
Jeff Weakley was bitten by an unidentified shark Florida in 1994, and part of the shark's tooth was lodged in his foot. Now, more than two decades later, that tooth fragment was pushed out, and scientists were able to determine that the shark that attacked Weakley was a blacktip shark -- a species that is known for aggressive experiences with humans.
BGR (7/7) 
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They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol,
artist, director and producer
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