Plus, the lesson from East Palestine, and more…
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April 14, 2023


Tim Scott’s Disastrous Answer to a Simple Abortion Question
His botched interview with CBS is the Republicans’ dilemma in a nutshell.
by Alex Shephard
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The ailing senator would like to be replaced temporarily on the Senate Judiciary Committee, but that’s easier said than done.
by Grace Segers
What makes a mother stay and her estranged daughter leave Appalachia?
by Kristen Martin
Rolling into town and blaming Republicans isn’t enough. Middle America needs someone to actually stand up to corporations—even if it costs money.
by Reid Frazier
The annual event began with good intentions. Now it’s a source of dread.
by Heather Souvaine Horn
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It makes you hate your co-workers, and it makes your boss want to fire you.
by Timothy Noah
From The Ticker:
A Democratic trifecta in Michigan is delivering on its promises to voters.
by Prem Thakker
The Supreme Court justice did not disclose the sales, according to a new report.
by Prem Thakker

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