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October 22, 2021
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Journalists' firings over anti-vax stance make headlines
(Mike Windle/Getty Images)
News anchors and reporters who have resisted workplace requirements to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are finding themselves in the headlines as media companies fire noncompliant staff. Journalists at Gray Television, ESPN and other outlets have been let go.
Full Story: The Washington Post (tiered subscription model) (10/21) 
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Manage Bias in Your Recruitment for Better D&I
To succeed in attracting a diverse and inclusive workforce, hiring teams must learn how to identify and manage bias in the recruitment process. Improve your D&l hiring by answering three questions: Why it's important, who drives the success, and how to be successful.
Recruiting & Retention
Yellen upbeat on recovery of labor market
Yellen (Pool/Getty Images)
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has expressed confidence that job growth will pick up, that workers will be in a better position than they were before the pandemic and that the economic recovery will regain momentum. The "very unusual shock" of the pandemic has hampered job growth but has prompted an increase in wage offerings, Yellen says.
Full Story: MSNBC (10/20),  The Hill (10/20),  BNN Bloomberg (Canada) (10/20) 
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Benefits & Compensation
Retailers including Walmart, CVS and Macy's are augmenting wages with perks to attract and retain employees in a tight labor market. New benefits include college tuition coverage, opportunities for career advancement, flexible schedules and online and text-based applications and hiring processes.
Full Story: CO— (US Chamber of Commerce) (10/20) 
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The HR Leader
The pandemic potentially cost women a generation of progress in the workplace, writes Jane Finette. Finette offers three steps that leaders can take to help women at work, including speaking out about inequality in pay and diversity.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (10/21) 
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Workplace Chatter
Evolutionary biologists discuss the effects of climate change on some animals and raise interesting questions about the species that will survive in the future, the ones that will not and new species that may emerge. Biologists say, a million years from now, flightless, carnivorous pigeons and fully aquatic whale-rats could be roaming the Earth.
Full Story: Vox (10/20) 
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About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Kanoe Namahoe
Earlier this week, I received a copy of a book called A Terrible, Horrible No Good Year by Larry Smith. The book is a compilation of six-word memoirs written by students and teachers of their experiences with quarantining and online learning during the pandemic. As a way to close the week with a laugh, here are a few of my favorites.

  • Finally I can mute my teacher. -- Lukas Smith, 11
  • Quota of family time was exceeded. -- Dana Calvo
  • Try being quarantined with the principal! -- Lauren and Truman Caudill, 10
  • Hey, stop licking the camera, please. -- Christi Berghofer, teacher
  • Get your cat off your keyboard. -- Charis Kipepo, teacher
  • My teacher teaches better than mom. -- Xander Anunciado, 5
  • How do teachers manage little monsters. -- Suzette Anderson, Xander’s mom

Enjoy them? Consider picking up a copy for a teacher or educator you know.

I also want to say thank you for the wonderful sweet notes I received after Wednesday’s note when I talked about my blood pressure and trip to the emergency room. I’m feeling better today and was encouraged and energized by your warm sentiments.

You’re a terrific bunch of readers and I’m honored to edit this brief you count on daily. Let me know how I can make it better for you. And if you enjoy it, tell others so they can benefit also.
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You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.
poet, theologian
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