Tips to Reduce Cloud Emissions; Twitter's New Management; CISA Goals

InformationWeek Cloud
November 07, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Why the Cloud Is the Quickest Way to Business Agility
While cloud is not a magic wand, it pushes companies to become more agile -- and successfully compete.

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4 Tips to Reduce Cloud Emissions and Save Energy

As demand for corporate environmental accountability increases, there are steps IT administrators can take to reduce cloud-related emissions.
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October 2022 Global Tech Policy Bulletin: From Twitter’s New Management to Big Tech Lobbying Scandals

Last month in global tech policy: Elon Musk conquers Twitter; the CHIPS Act lurches into action; Big Tech lobbyists caught red handed in Strasbourg; cybersecurity; the Lord of the Rings; and more.
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New CISA Goals Tackle Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

CISA has released new cybersecurity performance goals for the critical infrastructure sector. How will these goals help stakeholders reduce cyber risks in critical infrastructure industries?
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  • Evolving Security Strategy Without Slowing App Delivery

    Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud services and migrating workloads to cloud environments. The technology shift has forced changes in both development and release processes, as well as cloud security strategies. Register now to learn more!

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Ukraine Cybersecurity Message at BlackBerry Security Summit
A surprise livestream from the besieged country, and other speakers, gave a look at ways cybersecurity can affect tangible issues in the physical world. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Scary Examples of Malicious Insider Attacks
There are thousands of chilling insider threat stories. Far too many to put in this creepiest of creepy Halloween slideshows. But here are a bunch of hair-raising examples. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Actionable Tips for Managing/Governing Data
Here is a quick look at things you can do to help govern and manage your data in the most practical sense. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cloud Migration: 9 Ways to Ease the Agony
The pandemic spurred all companies to move to the cloud. But that doesn’t mean the job is done. Here are some tips to make the move less torturous. Read More
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