TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 16, 2017

What Is the 'Deep State'—And Why Is It After Trump?

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Trump escalates his battle with the U.S security apparatus. READ MORE»

'Morning Joe' Shreds Trump's 'Fake News' Answer for Flynn Fallout: 'You Keep Lying, We'll Keep Reporting About It'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"He’s taking (lying) to a whole new level, where I’m not sure the presidency can sustain it.” READ MORE»

Deutsche Bank Examined Donald Trump's Account for Russia Links

By Luke Harding, Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Nick Hopkins, David Smith, The Guardian

The bank looked for evidence of whether loans to the president were underpinned by guarantees from Moscow, the Guardian learns. READ MORE»

U.S.-Backed Saudi Coalition Bombs Another Funeral in Yemen, Killing 8 Women, Child

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

All the victims were civilians, and there were no other buildings in the area. READ MORE»

The Democrats' Inept Resistance: Party Leaders Want Bernie Sanders to Save Them From Angry Activists

By Simon Maloy, Salon

Rather than crafting an agenda to appeal to angry voters, Democrats make harebrained plans to hide from them READ MORE»

Samantha Bee Explains Why Trump's 'Loyal Husky' Paul Ryan Will Never Impeach Him

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Don't look to Ryan to allow impeachment proceedings, no matter how bad it gets. READ MORE»

‘She Is Miserable’: Melania Trump Reportedly Unhappy With New Role as First Lady

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

If those smiles look a bit forced, there might be a reason. READ MORE»

Trump Was Asked About the Rise in Anti-Semitic Attacks Since His Election—His Answer Was Horrifying

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Sometimes it's what the president chooses not to say. READ MORE»

Antarctica Just Shed a Manhattan-Sized Chunk of Ice

By Brian Kahn, Climate Central

Massive topographical changes are happening in a rapidly warming world. READ MORE»

Colbert Issues Pitch-Perfect Response to Trump/Russia Revelations: 'Are You F*cking Kidding Me?'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"This is Russia, America's greatest foe since World War II!" READ MORE»

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