TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 9, 2017

Women Across the World Walk Out and Unite Against Violence, in Spite of Police Arrests and Harassment

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Global actions oppose violence against women, from neoliberalism to workplace harassment. READ MORE»

Obamagate Is Quickly Becoming a Right-Wing Phony Scandal Extraordinaire

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Inventing scandals about Democrats is a venerable GOP tradition. Now it's Trump's ploy to save his presidency. READ MORE»

Why the Wikileaks Revelations Are So Important

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The release of CIA hacking tools reveals unknown threats, including one to President Trump’s Twitter account.  READ MORE»

The Republican House of Horrors Offers a Terrifying Health Care Vision

By Roseanne DeMoro, AlterNet

Republicans have exploited the repeal-and-replace meme with paybacks to some of their wealthiest friends. READ MORE»

Some of Steve Bannon's Biggest Intellectual Influences Are Fascists and White Supremacists

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

His fondness for a French reactionary has made headlines, but he has cited worse.  READ MORE»

Why Having Worked for Uber Is Increasingly Considered a Black Mark on Some People's Résumés

By Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian

The brazen attitude that helped Uber soar is backfiring, and now employees looking for their next jobs are having to defend themselves to recruiters. READ MORE»

14 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate, According to Science

By Jacky Miller, AlterNet

It lowers blood pressure, improves brain function and it's delicious. READ MORE»

Proof That the Pharma Business Model Actually Wants People Sick

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Pharma-funded "patient" groups keep drug prices astronomical. READ MORE»

Report: Obama 'Rolled His Eyes' at Wiretap Claim—and Ripped Trump's Failing Presidency Instead

By David Edwards, Raw Story

In fact, the claims undermine the integrity of the presidency. READ MORE»

Vouchers Are Not a Viable Solution for Vast Swaths of America

By Neil Campbell and Catherine Brown, Center for American Progress

Vouchers are most likely logistically unworkable in 85 percent of regular school districts.  READ MORE»

Why Leading Beatnik Poet Allen Ginsberg Was a Crusader for Legalizing LSD

By Don McNeill, University of Minnesota Press

The Beat writer’s “lobby for tenderness” to a Senate subcommittee still resonates. READ MORE»

How Using Big Data to Understand Social Problems Can Create More Inequality

By Arthur Goldhammer, The American Prospect

A new book argues that data science may serve to reinforce inequality.  READ MORE»

'Irreversible' Climate Change Impacts Ravage Australia: Report

By Katharine Murphy, The Guardian

Record-high temperatures have caused widespread coral bleaching, habitat destruction and species mortality. READ MORE»

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