

The Power of Meditation with Andy Puddicombe

Quiz time: Which category do you fit in?

A ) I LOVE meditating! I do it every day.

B) I've tried meditating and it's hard and boring.

C) I avoid trying meditating because I have no idea how and am too busy.

Maybe you're somewhere in between.

I've tried it on and off for over a decade and when I DO meditate regularly, it helps me in my work, relationships, health, and sleep. No joke.

That's why I wanted to interview the founder of my favorite meditation app, Headspace. It has been a game changer for me! And while he was on the podcast he guided me through a quick but powerful 2 minute meditation that I loved. Can't wait for you to try it!

Watch the video


Andy spent 10 years in training as a monk in Tibet, India, and Russia, and he is a master teacher of meditation.

But then he decided he wanted to spread his impact on a bigger scale and re-entered normal life - by going to circus school.

While there he began working on what is now the massively popular app Headspace, with over 6 million monthly users.

Andy is one of the best teachers I've met and my mind was blown by what he shared. If you've been struggling to find a way to meditate that works for you, be sure to listen to what Andy says.

BONUS: Andy gave all School of Greatness podcast listeners an awesome gift - see the show notes to claim it!


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In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Why you can sleep for 10 hours and still be exhausted (6:10)
  • Why the approach is more important than the technique you use in meditation (27:50)
  • How to give your 100% in meditating (30:46)
  • The quickest way to get out of downhill mental loop (48:30)

"Meditation is at its best when we use it for prevention." Click to Tweet

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Did you miss these awesome episodes last week? Check them out!


See you next week,

Lewis Howes

418 Media LLC
838 N Doheny Dr #1106
West Hollywood, California 90069
United States
