* Based on a $1700 starting stake
Now, neither Chris or Nate can promise future returns or against losses...
But they're getting together in just a few moments to show you how this trade is done.
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The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical back tested data from June 2022 through April 2024 combined with Chris's live money trading from June 2024 through September 1 2024 to demonstrate the potential of the system. The average winning trade during the backtested data was 11.5% while the average losing position was 74.5% per trade and a 90.9% win rate. The average winning trade during the real time data was 10.5% while the average losing position was 29.5% per trade and an 83% win rate. Every Daily Profit Play targets roughly $100 in income based on $1,000 in risk and every example is based on that same risk unless otherwise stated. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always high degree of risk involved in trading. See our Terms on the ProsperityPub homepage for more information.