TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 10, 2017

Trump's North Korea Statements Are a Disaster for the World -- But Probably Good for His Hard-Core Supporters

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

"People prefer 'strong and wrong' leaders to 'weak and right' leaders." READ MORE»

Michael and Me: Moore Crashes Broadway With an Anti-Trump Political Rally, and a One-Man Show Like No Other

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

Is Moore the best-known lefty in America? Probably. READ MORE»

I Grew Up in Health Secretary Tom Price’s District—The Sex Ed He Promotes Is Dangerous

By Anusha Ravi, AlterNet

Health Secretary Tom Price has been an enthusiastic advocate for restricting women's choices—including not teaching them that they have any. READ MORE»

Nurses: Paul Krugman Offers 'Shallow Political Advice' When It Comes to Health Care

By Michael Lighty, AlterNet

Only with Medicare for all can we achieve health security. READ MORE»

Twice as Many Americans View North Korea as a Critical Threat Than Can Find it On a Map

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Media coverage has created a massive gap between our desire to attack North Korea and our understanding of the crisis.  READ MORE»

Our Immigration System Doesn't Care if You're a Traumatized Vet — You'll Be Deported Anyway

By J. Malcolm Garcia, Hot Books

No mercy from ICE for veterans with PTSD. READ MORE»

Outrage Over Trump Turned a Red-State Republican Into a Resistance Leader

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Beverly Tuberville says Indivisible Oklahoma faces an uphill battle—but it's one worth fighting.  READ MORE»

The Largest Fascist Rally in Recent Memory Is Expected This Week -- It Must Be Challenged

By Spencer Sunshine, Truthout

In the face of an aggressive racist movement, silence is consent. READ MORE»

The Rich Have Mostly Stopped Smoking Cigarettes - So They Are Mainly Killing Stressed-Out Poor and Working Class People

By Anna Sanford, AlterNet

Cigarettes have caused a health epidemic, one that disproportionately affects the rural poor. READ MORE»

How Companies Like PepsiCo and McDonald’s Are Pushing Indonesia's Endangered Elephants to Extinction

By Emma Rae Lierley, AlterNet

A new investigation links some of the biggest brands in the world to the conflict palm oil supply chain. READ MORE»

Workers Need Better Trade Deals, Not More Talk

By Leo W. Gerard , AlterNet

Offshoring has padded corporate profits while suppressing wages in the U.S. and abroad. READ MORE»

President Trump Is Now Trying to Suck up to Robert Mueller

By Angelo Young, Salon

Trump has sent private messages of "appreciation" to special counsel Mueller.  READ MORE»

In God We Trust: Why Americans Won't Vote for an Atheist President

By Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian

As a new study shows, people think the worst of non-believers. What does this mean for US voters? READ MORE»

How to Talk to Your Kids About Marijuana in a Society Where It Is Increasingly Legal

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Have you had the cannabis conversation with your kids? READ MORE»

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