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Nothing happens until you act.

Dear John,

You want to get in shape. You join a gym. You hire a personal trainer for 52 sessions. Then you keep doing what you're doing. You eat poorly. You ignore the gym membership. You ignore the sessions with the trainer.

As time passes, you begin to resent the fact that you spent money on the gym and the training sessions. You start telling people the hours of the gym are not convenient. You talk about the trainer and his methods and how they don't fit your style and goals (even though you've not been to one session). 

All those goals and ideas you had about getting in shape have given way to the status quo, excuses, and resentment of what you once desired.

I have a unique perspective on this subject - action or lack thereof.

People sign-up to receive these articles. They subscribe to The Dave Lorenzo Daily (my daily YouTube show). They receive the information and they don't act.

Here's why: 

You don't feel enough pain in order to change your behavior. 

If your health was at risk, if you survived a health scare, you would be motivated to change your exercise and diet regimen. 

If your revenue was a risk, you'd act to grow your business. 

That's the issue. Your perception of the pain. 

The truth: Your health is always at risk. From birth, your body begins to experience wear and tear and if you don't take care of it, it begins to atrophy. 

The truth: If you don't CONSTANTLY develop new relationships and nurture current relationships, your revenue begins to atrophy. 

We are looking squarely down the barrel of a recession. It is coming and you can't stop it. You can prepare by diversifying your revenue. You can prepare by making more money and saving it. This is the time to act. 

Let me help you grow your revenue and prepare for the upcoming recession. 

Visit this page: 

There you will find three options for working with me in a private setting. The return on investment for my average coaching client is 300%. The top 10% of my clients receive a return that is ten-times their investment.

Take advantage of my 28 years of experience. Take advantage of the research I put into writing three books. Take advantage of my experience working with over 500 businesses, 600-plus attorneys, and more than 200 law firms over the last three decades.  

I have a couple of openings for coaching clients right now. Once they are gone, we will put you on a waiting list (typically slots open every six months or so).  

Don't wait. You could be enjoying revenue security by this time next month.


And get moving toward growing your revenue and income.

Warm regards,

Dave Lorenzo



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