Newsom signs dozens of new housing bills with no new ideas • Endorsement: Steven Choi for 37th Senate District
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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Why we shouldn’t expect a return to the Trump economy

The allure of returning to pre-pandemic economic prosperity is strong, but no administration can simply turn back the clock.

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Newsom signs dozens of new housing bills with no new ideas

If California’s politicians want to get serious about solving the housing crisis, they need to support the radical liberalization of the housing market

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Endorsement: Steven Choi for 37th Senate District

Our state desperately needs more political competition and believe Choi to be an experienced and sensible lawmaker to help balance things out.

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Larry Elder: Price controls are bad, no matter who demands them

Price controls remain bad policy whether proposed by people we like or do not like, whether by Democrats or Republicans or whether by Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump.

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Letter: Forced labor isn’t consistent with who we are as Americans. Yes on Prop. 6.

Although the 13th Amendment to our nation’s Constitution allows forced work for those convicted of crimes, I do not believe that this is who we are as a country.

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Bonta’s legal war on energy companies will punish ordinary Californians

Bonta recognizes that the lawsuits will only “disincentivize” fossil fuel use by imposing a significant share of these costs on consumers.

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Don’t be fooled. Proposition 6 is a fraud

It’s a clever two-step, an incremental approach that detonates an explosion in costs to taxpayers, but not until everyone responsible has safely escaped to their next office.

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Taxpayer-funded political advocacy is illegal

It’s bad enough when local politicians work to raise taxes when Californians are already paying one of the highest tax burdens in America

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This is no alliance: Letters

Re “Grotesque Cheney-Harris alliance” (Sept. 22): Mr. Seiler correctly identifies VP Cheney as the person instrumental behind the disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. However the title of the piece is misleading. This is not an alliance, this is a conservative American who regardless of his legacy cannot vote for a man like Trump, who has proven repeatedly to be unfit to run the country for another four years. It is also interesting that the best example he can give is a quote from Tulsi Gabbard in an interview with Tucker Carlson — are you kidding me? I can guarantee […]

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Gavin Newsom the drug warrior

It has been eight years since Californians voted to legalize marijuana through Proposition 64. To the surprise of no one, California managed to completely botch the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

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