Ragan Consulting Group

Still sending company-wide emails? With a record number of emails jamming inboxes every day—employees just aren’t reading them.

You can’t reach your sales team, night shifters, remote workers or desk-bound employees the same way. You must meet each group where they are, and when they are there. How, you ask? Through employee persona development.

Tell me about your communications to begin developing your personas.

Commonly asked questions:

  • What is an employee persona?
    A representation of a group of employees with similar traits, experiences and behaviors. These are based on data and insights gathered during our research. We create a narrative around them to bring that information to life. Using the representations improves employee engagement by targeting communications.
  • How do you determine the persona groups?
    We review your various employee types (hourly, non-desk, remote, hybrid, people leaders, night shift, sales, nurses, physicians, warehouse workers.) We then prioritize the groups with the lowest engagement with communications—your hardest to reach audiences.
  • How do you monitor their communications during the day?
    Through virtual and/or in-person shadowing and check-ins.
  • What are you looking to record?
    We look for things such as when they receive or review communications, what tools they use to communicate, what type of information seems to matter most to them, what information they consider valuable.
  • How long does it take on average?
    We recommend defining no more than six personas — the process takes about a month.
  • What’s the result?
    You’ll get a detailed persona for each employee group similar to this sample.
  • Why should I do this?
    Personas have long been used in marketing to target customers. Personas are a way to treat employees more personally. Employees want communications tailored to them and the competition is doing it. In the age of “The Great Resignation,” you can’t afford not to.

Are you interested in producing your own employee personas? Let me know.

Kristin Hart
Ragan Consulting Group

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