“While children’s church is a wonderful supplement to big church, it is a terrible substitute.”
So says Bible teacher and author Jen Wilkin in her recent article, “Let the Little Children Come to ‘Big Church’.” Reflecting on the ways that the pandemic brought Sunday morning worship services into our living rooms, Wilkin encourages parents to continue giving their children opportunities to see their moms and dads worship.
“In one sense, COVID-19 invited the smaller members of the church of today to worship exactly where they belong: with the rest of the church,” Wilkin writes. “I seem to recall someone else doing a similar thing, to the confusion of his disciples.”
Your toddlers may wiggle and whisper next to you in the pew. Your teenagers may try to sit near their crush in a sanctuary section with the youth group. Whatever the dynamics, give your children a gift that they may not see as such until later: full acceptance in the house of the Lord, exactly where they belong.