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AM edition, Friday, March 26, 2021
Good morning, Canberra. There could be some early fog about with a top of 21 degrees on the way. Here’s what’s making news in the capital

'The dogs see it as a game': 16 sheep mauled in one night the latest loss in horror year

Subscriber: It's the latest in a succession of incidents which one farmer says is a result of ACT Parks failing to fulfil its requirement to electrify a border fence.

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ACT government responds to UC light rail proposal

Subscriber: Transport Minister Chris Steel said the light rail could be extended to the University of Canberra as part of stage three.

Former ASIO HQ to be demolished

Plans are under way for ASIO's old headquarters in Russell to be razed, despite a report stating the building had "local heritage interest".

'I lost control', accused murderer tells jury

Subscriber: Joshua Higgins has denied he was paranoid and hearing things the night he stabbed his drinking buddy Jae-Ho Oh.

Coal workers part of solution: Labor

Labor must reassure coal workers they are central to a green-energy future, the party's climate change and energy spokesman has said.

Man acquitted of attempted murder charge

Subscriber: The Tuggeranong man had stabbed a dinner guest within hours of being discharged from a mental health unit.

Sex act allegations under investigation: Birmingham

Allegations of "disgusting and inappropriate" sex acts in Parliament House will be fully investigated, Simon Birmingham says.
Updated by 7am weekdays.
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Right now, politics can only break our hearts

Opinion: Gender quotas are one fix. But when it comes to changing Parliament House's culture, we must go further, writes Jenna Price.

Basketball ACT cops $500k loss on unused land

Subscriber: Participation rates have far exceeded the current availability of indoor courts across the territory.

Fiona Nash should be restored to the Senate

Opinion: Is a conservative philosopher like John Anderson really who the Nationals need right now, asks Malcolm Mackerras.

'Forever young' Trevor tackles 35th marathon

For a man who has run marathons around the world, it's hard to believe Trevor Jacobs only came to the sport by accident.

Times Past

On this day in 1988, it was reported on the front page of The Canberra Times that politicians, parliamentary staff and political journalists were offered food and alcohol at no cost, which likely cost taxpayers $10,000. READ MORE
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