April 12, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

So what's an "Imperium," anyway?  That's the word being used by Adam O'Dell to pitch his Green Zone Fortunes, he's talking up the idea that his favored small company is going to be to the genomics revolution what Intel was to the birth of the internet, with massive 199,000% gains on the table... so what's the scoop?  I threw the clues into the Thinkolator for you, just click below to...

Stock options are DEAD because there's a NEW way to trade. These odd trades can pay far more than stocks, cost as little as 1¢... can multiply as much as 529 time... and can shoot up lightning fast. You can make these trades right from a normal brokerage account. Watch this short video to get the full scoop.


Miss anything from the world of Gumshoe?  You're in luck, we've got the rundown for  you right here... we started out the week with a look into the stock Frank Curzio teased as the "Goldman Sachs of the Crypto Industry" and his next potential 10-bagger, you can see my take here.

We also heard from Doc Gumshoe to start the week, he's got a look for us at the world of gene editing and CRISPR... so now I understand that a little bit better, you can join me by clicking here.

And the Cabot folks had an "urgent" pitch that sounded, well, kidn of familiar... and there's a reason for that.  What's their "soaring stock" to buy now?  Thinkolator answers here.

We also got a lot of questions this week about "Pre-IPO Cheat Codes", which sounds like some lovely magic -- what's the reality?  Click here for my take.

And I closed things out, as usual, with the Friday File for my favorite people -- the few, the strong, the Irregulars.   This time I have some blather about the "world in decline" fear that seems to be everywhere, but I'm mostly looking at the big news from PAR and doing a little buying and selling in the Real Money Portfolio... including one new stock in the portfolio, one sell, and one new name on the watchlist.  Details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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