May 4, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

We've got yet another way to pitch new battery technologies, Jason Williams at The Wealth Advisory is calling it "Electric Glass" and he says that "one tiny company at the center of it could hand early investors a huge windfall."  So, of course, we wanna know what it is... I fed the clues to the Thinkolator today, just click below to...

I have been working very hard to introduce you to the greatest trading book ever written. At my trading firm, the very first thing that any new trader had to do was read this book. They wouldn't be allowed in my office if this book was not read. Now, I've taken this book and built an entire trading system around it. For anyone that has any interest in trading, this is a must read. It's about success, failure and then success again.

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And whaddya know, yesterday's piece was all about batteries and electric vehicles, too Hilary Kramer highlights this idea of a "2,500 mile battery" that "recharges in minutes", and of course that's not on the table just yet... but who does she think will win as we edge closer to those goals?    She hints at five different stocks in the EV space, including her "Stock of the Next Decade," and I put the Thinkolator on the case... just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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