InformationWeek Leadership
Selecting Winning Startup Names; Critical Thinking & IT Management; Emerging Tech & Modernization

InformationWeek Leadership careers
March 15, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Will Fallout from SVB Lead to a Rethinking of Tech Investment?
Silicon Valley Bank’s history of 'banking the unbankable' allowed high-risk start-ups to burn through cash for years. The bank's collapse raises questions about how startups will be funded now.

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How to Select a Winning Name for Your Tech Startup

A bad company name can lead to confusion, ridicule, lawsuits, and an early demise. Picking the right name will help build credibility, sales, and success.
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Critical Thinking: The Overlooked IT Management Skill

Have you given much thought to critical thinking? It’s a talent that can make you a stronger, more effective leader.
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Adopting Emerging Technologies When Modernizing Legacy Systems

How can IT leaders navigate the challenge of adopting the right amount of emerging tech to balance with business needs, without creating new problems?
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  • ITSM Guide to Evaluation and Selection

    Is your ITSM ready for a refresh? While many organizations choose to continue to manage their IT Service Desk using rudimentary ticketing platforms, there are benefits to upgrading. The good news is, it's never too late to refresh, and you ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Shortcut Build Versus Buy Decisions for Tech Solutions
Quickly analyze the pros and cons for each pathway, and decide which choice is best for your company or teams Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Should There Be Enforceable Ethics Regulations on Generative AI?
Private sector, voluntary guidelines on the ethical use of generative AI are emerging, yet no US government body regulates the technology currently. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Online Learning Options Broadens Path for Women in STEM Careers
Web-based IT courses are enabling women to gain the skills and knowledge they need to pursue a career in STEM and offering more flexible paths to success in the field. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Tapping AI to Alleviate Cloud Spend
Through predictive analytics and other applications, artificial intelligence can help organizations better monitor and control their cloud spending by switching to a cloud plan that better fits their usage habits. Read More
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