InformationWeek Data & Analytics
DevAIOps and AIOps in the AI Surge; Are Manual Processes Roadblocks for AI?; AI Reshapes Agriculture

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InformationWeek Data Analytics
September 16, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Will Future AI Demands Derail Sustainable Energy Initiatives?
As AI use grows, so will its energy demands. How will power-hungry AI deployments affect sustainable energy initiatives?

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Have DevAIOps and AIOps Been Forgotten in the AI Surge?

Many enterprises want to leverage AI, often for consumer-facing needs. Is it more of a natural fit for IT uses and the development cycle than for other areas?
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The Overlooked Roadblock For AI: Manual Processes

For companies that still need to adopt AI-based automation for manual processes, the key to success rests in adopting a structured approach that defines business, technology, and people considerations.
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How AI and IoT Are Reshaping Agriculture

Agriculture is quite literally the foundation of civilization. Agriculture 4.0 is important to the future of civilization.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
CIOs of PNC Bank, Bureau of Indian Affairs Talk ‘High-Performance IT’
During Forrester’s panel discussion, business leaders were encouraged to rev up their operations and create a true high-performance IT team. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Things That Undermine Zero-Trust Efforts
Zero trust isn’t optional these days, but a lot of companies are struggling with the implementation of it. Taking small steps helps. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hottest AI Jobs
The artificial intelligence boom has led to a hiring explosion for these 10 types of roles. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Forrester CEO: Lessons for Executives to Implement AI Successfully
The research firm kicked off its annual technology summit in Austin with advice for companies now in a race to adopt GenAI and other artificial intelligence tools. Read More
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