Jambo John,

A quick reminder that the early-bird discount for my upcoming event in London ends tonight at midnight.

Friends House, 173 - 177 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ
The early-bird discount ends at midnight!
I'll be sharing the stage all day with Ireland’s renowned international bestselling author, Lorna Byrne, who physically sees and communicates with angels like you and I see and communicate with people. Lorna's been featured on tons of newscasts, including CNN, NBC Today, The Economist, and I can tell you from my own personal experience, she is the real deal.
John, this is your last chance to register before the early-bird discount ends in a few hours:Using All of Your Angels in London
See you in London, John!
P.S. John, follow your heart, it knows what to do. I only visit London once every few years, and the insights I offer are best suited to live events.