TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 30, 2017

Could Wilbur Ross Be the Next Trump Official Targeted in the Mueller Probe?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The commerce secretary's Cyprus bank may have helped Manafort launder millions. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Trump's Gang Is Plotting the Biggest Heist in American History

By Robert Reich,

The GOP's $5.8 trillion tax cut would almost exclusively benefit the 1 percent. READ MORE»

Why Paul Manafort Is Going to Be Under Immense Pressure to Testify Against the President

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Trump's bag man is sitting on a volcano of incriminating information.  READ MORE»

Why a Trump Aide's Guilty Plea Is Even More Damaging Than Paul Manafort's Indictment

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

George Papadopoulos' testimony could prove a smoking gun in the collusion probe. READ MORE»

Charles Blow: Men Can't Afford to Stay Silent Any Longer

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

The New York Times columnist urges his readers to check their privilege. READ MORE»

Trump Campaign Aide Pleads Guilty After Making False Statements to FBI

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

George Papadopoulos has deep ties to Russia. READ MORE»

What Happens if Trump Does the Unthinkable and Fires Mueller?

By Graham Lanktree, Newsweek

Multiple groups have been planning mass protests for months.  READ MORE»

Kellyanne Conway Looks Frazzled Following Paul Manafort's Indictment

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The Trump adviser claims the president is "focused on other things." READ MORE»

Can Ben Carson Really Be This Inept and Incompetent?

By Leslie Salzillo, DailyKos

The HUD secretary is exposed during an exchange with Rep. Al Green. READ MORE»

Kevin Spacey Blasted for Bizarre Response to Allegations He Sexually Harassed a 14-Year-Old

By Matthew Weaver, Stephanie Convery, The Guardian

The actor has been criticized for conflating homosexuality and child molestation. READ MORE»

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