‘Top two’ primary strikes out as a useful election reform • Three decades later, it’s time to have a serious conversation about Three Strikes
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Friday, March 8, 2024

Will Nathan Hochman’s former Republican label doom his campaign for DA? Don’t count on it.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s race will come down to issues and voter perceptions.

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‘Top two’ primary strikes out as a useful election reform

“Top two” created a new set of rules that ambitious politicians can game.

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Three decades later, it’s time to have a serious conversation about Three Strikes

In a world of finite resources, we must, surely, do better with our tax dollars than simply locking thousands of people up, at vast financial and moral expense, for 25-years-to-life.

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Trump might not be serious about becoming a dictator, but he could still do a lot of damage

There is plenty of damage Trump can do within the current constraints on the presidency.

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Douglas Schoen: California primary elections post-mortem

Even in the most liberal of states, there is little appetite for progressive policies, which may actually boost turnout for Republicans.

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Fewer students and higher absenteeism plague California’s public school financing

Demography is destiny and California’s school conundrum of declining enrollment, high absenteeism and unstable attendance will become more intense.

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Katie Porter proves she was unfit for the U.S. Senate with post-election ‘rigged’ complaints

Voters will no doubt remember her angry, Trumpian complaints about the election.

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In praise of Barbara Lee, a truly courageous voice for peace in an era of perpetual war

True, genuine courage is rare among politicians. They’ll declare themselves brave for having done the predictable. But mostly that’s just theatrical campaign talk.

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Don’t make California health care worse than it already is

Bad as you may think California health care is now, passing CalCare will make it much, much worse.

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Michelle Steel: Setting the record straight on what I think about IVF

While not everyone in my district agrees with me, they always know where I stand on the issues.

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