The next decade is going to be a scramble for survival. You need to think about it that way and you need to prepare in order to have a prosperous future.

Will This Be THE Voting Issue of the 2024 Election?

See this election warning today...

A government insider recently went public with a prediction about what will eventually become the biggest presidential election voting issue in America.

He says: 

We are now totally addicted to printing money... The next decade is going to be a scramble for survival. You need to think about it that way and you need to prepare in order to have a prosperous future.

He adds that prices for everything are going to double over essentially the next decade, and eventually, inflation will get so high, it could become THE #1 most important presidential election issue.

And it could be a repeat of what we saw in the 1980s:

In 1980, inflation was THE voting issue, and Reagan was considered a rather risky choice, but at least he seemed more willing to tackle inflation than Jimmy Carter was, and so the country went with him...

At some point the public will make the same decision.

But what can you do in the meantime as prices rise and inflation causes massive distortions throughout the economy and the markets?

Take a few minutes to check out our full analysis...

We explain where we are today... where we are going... and includes a detailed outline of our 4 recommended steps to protect yourself from what's coming.

Click here for details.

Good investing,

Mike Palmer
Founding Partner, Stansberry Research